![]() We live in a democracy. It is governed by a common vote where one side wins the argument and the other loses. How we act when things don’t go our way is a truer reflection of our character than when they do. Today’s vote leaves me, along with all those who voted to remain with that decision. Moving forward our nation will need to navigate new terrain, the opportunities and obstacles it presents will have to be seized in equal measure. What they are – I don’t profess to have the expertise to know. What I do know is that today’s historic decision will bring a sense of euphoria to those who felt it right to leave against a feeling of sadness and loss to those who felt it best to stay and the gulf that divide creates needs to be bridged with something other than fear or suspicion. Such sentiment was embraced beautifully earlier today when an ardent campaigner to Remain, Gemma Pettifor wrote on her facebook status: “Congratulations to the leave camp. I urge all remain voters (myself included), although we will feel disappointed, let's not be bitter or angry but embrace the new adventure together. The truth is, we are all in it together whichever way we voted: so let's work together to make this work.” In embracing that new journey we will need to make a commitment to work together for the good of all. As Bishop Nick Baines wrote: “No doubt, in the days, weeks and months ahead, there will plenty of “what if?” moments. But, those who voted to remain in the EU cannot simply sit sniping from the sidelines, suggesting that all consequences were predictable and that those who voted to leave the EU must take sole responsibility for what now follows. We are all responsible for taking responsibility and shaping what we want to become. Those of us who believed we should remain in the EU must not become victims.” Rather we must also work to protect the most vulnerable amongst us who will feel deeply insecure by today’s decision. Those of us who take our identity for granted should be drawn to stand with those who as a result of today feel disempowered by some who have never had to live with that kind of fear. The joint statement by two of the country’s most notable Archbishops is a valuable starting point: “As citizens of the United Kingdom, whatever our views during the referendum campaign, we must now unite in a common task to build a generous and forward looking country, contributing to human flourishing around the world. We must remain hospitable and compassionate, builders of bridges and not barriers. Many of those living among us and alongside us as neighbours, friends and work colleagues come from overseas and some will feel a deep sense of insecurity. We must respond by offering reassurance, by cherishing our wonderfully diverse society, and by affirming the unique contribution of each and every one.” (You can read their full statement here - http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/articles.php/5743/eu-referendum-statement-by-archbishops-of-canterbury-and-york In practical terms the Rev Steve Sylvester, rector of St Nic’s Church in Nottingham has put out this appeal – Friends, In the light of Brexit, and the uncertainty around our city and nation at this time, you are invited to join for prayer on Tuesday (28th) 7 - 8am at St Nic's Church, Maid Marian Way, Nottingham. This will be a joint event with Marhabba Prayer who were already planning to meet at that time at St Nic's for their regular prayer for Muslims during Rammadan. Clearly, our Muslim neighbours, especially refugees and asylum seekers, will be particularly alert to implications of the referendum outcome. So we will pray for our city, our nation, and our Muslim neighbours. I believe that this is a time when we as the church have a major role to play in prayer and in demonstrating the values of the Kingdom. Tea, coffee and croissants will be served on arrival. On-street parking around St Nic's and on Castle Road is free until 8am. Please announce this event in your churches this weekend, and pass word around. I know you would be made most welcome if you are able to attend. I speak to those of us called to leadership within the Church and to those who embrace its community as their spiritual home. We must remember that the principle call of the Church of Christ is to act as a reconciliatory presence in the world as we draw on the common good of humanity as made in the image and likeness of God. This means putting the needs of others before our own, of putting our differences to one side, of laying down agendas regardless of our vote and taking up our cross. We are not here to feed fear but to show love. It is sacrificial love which at the end of the day embodies the heart of the resurrection message and carries faith, hope and love into our world. And that would have been the truth whatever way yesterday’s vote went.
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December 2022